From Paradigm Winter 2021, Issue 6.4
Inside the bag of Why We Live guitarist and photographer Memo Villaseñor: tools of the trade, what inspires him and emergency sweets.
June 26, 2021 at Cideshow in Gardena
“I got into photography I guess you can say it was through bands. I just always like taking photos. So being in a band setting, I was always around other bands. And my biggest inspiration was Charles Peterson, the guy who did all those iconic Nirvana and Soundgarden photos.
I remember being a teenager and seeing some of these — I was really into I guess they called it, at the time, grunge. People up in Seattle they hate the term grunge.
So, for me, every time I saw [Peterson’s] work, I just admired it. I was like, ‘I want to do something like this,’ and that’s why when I shoot bands, I try not to shoot them in a setting where it's straight ahead; I'd rather shoot them from the top. I feel that gives them more of a musical taste. I guess I shoot everything like a 90s music video.
I'm really into depth — if you can make it look deep, even if it's just a stage shot. That’s what I love to do is just depth.
You don't try to rip off [other's work], but you're inspired by the people you idolize.” -Memo Villaseñor, M82 Photography
BACKPACK: “I like backpacks. I have a few. This is the backpack I take when I’m normally shooting backyards or bands. That’s like my go anywhere backpack.”
GANSITO PIN: “I have a sweet tooth. I’ve been scarfing down Gansito since I was a kid. I think I kept them employed all this time. If you ever try it, freeze it. They’re good.”
SEE'S SUCKER: “I just always have chocolate or some kind of candy. Like at work, I’ll have a chocolate bar. At home, I have dessert. See’s, that’s random. But if it wasn’t that, it would be Snickers or something. I’m surprised I’m not diabetic yet.”
FLASH: “For me, the flash is a must. I even use it during daylight. I never leave home without it, if I’m going to shoot. You never know when you’re going to need flash.”
CAMERA: “This [6D] is what I call my first big boy purchase camera. I think it’s been five years that I’ve had this camera and I love it. I’ve jumped into the pit with this thing. I’ve been bounced around, or especially when bands spit water. So I’ve had a couple scares, but as long as I have my strap with me, we’re good. I haven’t dropped her yet.
The mirrorless [camera] I got that in May. I call it downsized because that’s way easier to be in the pit with or travel with. So I reserve this one [pictured] for, I hate using that word, more for professional shoots and the other one’s my play camera.
I have a 35mm [camera]. I don’t really use it. It’s fun. For me, the 35mm camera is almost like a Cracker Jack box. You know you’re going to get a treat; you just don’t know what it’s going to be.”
iPAD: The iPad I don’t use it to fully edit everything, but it’s just so I can take a peek at the work that I’ve done. It’s easy access, so I just carry the iPad to shoots.”
THE IMAGE (on the iPad): “That was during a photo meet, down here in downtown. It wasn’t even planned. It was just, let’s see what we capture. I’m not good at placing people. I’m just like, ‘Do your thing.’
That was the first set of photos I took right after Covid. This was right after they started saying people could go out into the wild again, because I remember it was weird photographing people without masks.”
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