Exist to Resist

Interview With Against Empire

Woodland Hills

From Issue 1.4, March/April 2005


After putting out a split record with local band Holokaust, Woodland Hills band Against Empire thought why not start their own label.  So, they did.

How is that for a brand of self-sufficiency most kids, let alone most adults, would not have the energy to take on?

“We figured we might as well ‘start’ a label since we were putting the effort and money into putting out our own release.  So, we came up with a ‘label’ name as soon as possible and stuck it on the record.  We do plan on releasing other bands’ records as well though,” explained guitarist and vocalist Brian.

The label (among other things), makes the members of this band busy which made any attempts 

to conduct an interview and put all necessary pieces together, challenging.

A series of questions answered by Brian, resulted in several political opinions and arguments in which the end result was to say a fair assessment of the band is to call them “environmentalists.”

Against Empire’s label, by the way, is called Threat to Existence Records.  If it is not obvious yet, Against Empire is a very socially and politically conscious band.

“The motivation for what we sing about usually stems from the fucked up shit that surrounds us everyday. Whether it’s about this fucked up war for oil that’s killing countless innocent men, women and children, to stopping the torture of millions of animals slaughtered every year to be turned into a packaged product.  Even taking that a little further, with the effects of the millions of animals slaughtered that’s causing our Earth to be destroyed in more ways than one,” explained Brian.

His comments are what many people have been voicing, leaving some room to complain that all political bands ever do, is criticize.

In defense of what he and his bandmates are doing, Brian said, “I don’t know why it would bother anyone to hear a critical analysis of society at large.  It’s only facts.  These things need to be talked about and discussed or else we’re doomed to never know what’s going on in the world.”

Challenged with the question of what the band’s specific solution to the political and social issues brought up in their songs are, he responded, “This world is wrought with political and social ills.  But a specific solution?  I could say ‘revolution,’ but that wouldn’t happen any time soon.  I think a realistic solution would be to learn, teach and pass on the knowledge we all have...to treat others with respect as we would want to be treated.  Nothing can change if we don’t change ourselves.”

Aside from Brian, Against Empire, includes guitarist Eric (who also does back-up vocals), bassist Rana and drummer Lucien, all 19.  The band formed at the beginning of 2000.

The four practice about two times each week with Brian stating they try to be serious, but have known each other for so long that they tend to joke around a lot.

The music is a band collaboration.  However, Brian writes a large portion of the lyrics.  Against Empire has two releases: an old demo, “Empire Against Environment” and their split seven inch.

“The hardest part about recording, I think, is the anticipation.  You don’t know what it’s going to come out like, or if you’re going to love or hate your music when you’re done recording it, or constantly thinking that if we went to say, 10 different studios and recorded the same song it would come out different each time.  It’s hard for me to think that when we’re recording because it’s official. It’s what our record is going to sound like forever,” he said. 

The band has an LP in the works which will be released on Fuel the Madness Records and is sure to be filled with political and social commentary.

Against Empire does not force its beliefs on anyone.  They have a message pointing out social ills while also showing it is not necessary to give up a contemporary consumer lifestyle to accept with an open mind what they sing about.

“It is definitely not a crime to want something more and to buy nice things,” said Brian.  “We need to be aware though, of the fact that a lot of products are useless and only contribute to the degradation of the Earth and humanity.  I mean, I like to buy things as well for myself and do appreciate buying nice things; we just need to be aware and make the right choices.”

Point well-taken.